Category: Research

Brewing Up Ancient Beer
History professor Tate Paulette explores the beverage of choice in Mesopotamia: beer.

Quiz: Moms, Dads and Politics
Whether you’re a parent, a political junkie or just plain curious, take this quiz developed by NC State political scientist Steven Greene.

Exploring the Ethics of Moral Enhancement
Can a pill make people more moral? Philosophy professor Veljko Dubljevic explores this question and others through his research.

English Professor Extracts Biological Clues from Ancient Books
In an effort to tell the full history of medieval manuscripts, NC State professor Tim Stinson is teaming up with scientists to collect structural proteins and DNA from old texts.

Next Generation Researcher Readies to Take On Health Disparities
Doctoral student Fanice Thomas is honing her leadership skills through a prestigious health policy fellowship. She'll apply what she learns to improve health and well-being in immigrant communities.

Exploring Hunger and Homelessness at NC State
Far too many NC State students are at risk for homelessness and hunger, as research from psychologist Mary Haskett shows.

Mind on the Road
Cognitive psychologist Jing Feng works to keep your eyes — and mind — on the road.

Science Behind Bars
Partnering with the local jail, NC State faculty, students and alumni are working together to break the cycle of incarceration.

Talking Black in America
NC State’s Language and Life Project drew on decades of research to produce the first feature-length documentary on African-American speech.