Category: Quiz

Quiz: Pandemic Stressbusters
Increase your knowledge, decrease your stress. Take our quiz developed by NC State psychologist Shevaun Neupert.

Quiz: Where in the World?
Each year, hundreds of NC State students become citizens of the world. Take our quiz to see if you can spot where a few scholars recently studied abroad.

Quiz: Moms, Dads and Politics
Whether you’re a parent, a political junkie or just plain curious, take this quiz developed by NC State political scientist Steven Greene.

Quiz: Voices of North Carolina
Test your knowledge of Tar Heel dialects in this quiz developed by renowned NC State linguist Walt Wolfram.

Meet Me at the Movies
Do you know your movie trivia? Take our quiz, developed by NC State film studies professor Devin Orgeron.

Guess My Major
See if you can guess what degree these Humanities and Social Sciences alums earned on campus.

Test Your Alum Acuity
You earned your degree here. But how much NC State trivia did you absorb along the way? Here’s one test that won’t count against you.