Directory Shortcodes
If you do not want to create custom views within your theme, you can use shortcodes to display information from the People custom post type.
Display Single Person
Information about a single person can be displayed with the following syntax:
[person unity_id="csthomp2"]
[person_info field="first_name"]
[person_info field="last_name"]
[person_info field="email"]
The field parameter corresponds to the custom field name of a Person post type.
Display Group of People
You can display an entire subgroup of people with the following syntax:
[directory group="faculty"]
The HTML output for the directory shortcode can be set within the views/directory_listing.php file of the plugin.
Display Unordered List of Group of People
You can also display a group of people as an unordered list who's names link to their full profile with the following syntax:
[directory-list group="subgroup" columns=x]
where subgroup is the slug of any subgroup of people you define and column is the number of columns you want the list split into. The output can be customized within the views/directory_listing.php or by copying this file into your theme ncstate-directory/views/directory_listing.php for customization there. The default output uses Bootstrap markup for rendering.