Category: Psychology

Quiz: Pandemic Stressbusters
Increase your knowledge, decrease your stress. Take our quiz developed by NC State psychologist Shevaun Neupert.

Doctoral Student Helps Redesign NASA’s Astronaut Selection Process
When NASA recently revised how it chooses astronauts, NC State doctoral student Gary Travinin helped develop the process.

Five Tips: How to Interact Well in Neo-Diverse America
Psychologist Rupert Nacoste is a campus leader and a national voice in diversity awareness and understanding. He shares tips on how to interact well in neo-diverse America.

Next Generation Researcher Readies to Take On Health Disparities
Doctoral student Fanice Thomas is honing her leadership skills through a prestigious health policy fellowship. She'll apply what she learns to improve health and well-being in immigrant communities.

Exploring Hunger and Homelessness at NC State
Far too many NC State students are at risk for homelessness and hunger, as research from psychologist Mary Haskett shows.

Mind on the Road
Cognitive psychologist Jing Feng works to keep your eyes — and mind — on the road.

Street Smarts and the Arts
Reaching out to Raleigh’s homeless youth, two creative writing students shared the power of poetry.

Science Behind Bars
Partnering with the local jail, NC State faculty, students and alumni are working together to break the cycle of incarceration.