Category: English

Books and Beans: Bestselling Author Stirs Coffee, Conversation
Her debut novel now a bestseller, alumna Etaf Rum is sharing her love of writing at her new coffee shop in Rocky Mount.

English Professor Extracts Biological Clues from Ancient Books
In an effort to tell the full history of medieval manuscripts, NC State professor Tim Stinson is teaming up with scientists to collect structural proteins and DNA from old texts.

Quiz: Voices of North Carolina
Test your knowledge of Tar Heel dialects in this quiz developed by renowned NC State linguist Walt Wolfram.

Meet Me at the Movies
Do you know your movie trivia? Take our quiz, developed by NC State film studies professor Devin Orgeron.

CNBC Editor Benefits from the Broad Perspective
On his journey from timid teenager to accomplished journalist, Ted Kemp says NC State challenged him to think in new ways.

Street Smarts and the Arts
Reaching out to Raleigh’s homeless youth, two creative writing students shared the power of poetry.

Talking Black in America
NC State’s Language and Life Project drew on decades of research to produce the first feature-length documentary on African-American speech.