Sending through Google Groups

Emails created with the Email Generator can be sent to members of a Google Group. This means that an email sending platform such as Bronto or Mailchimp does not have to be used for smaller email lists that will fit into a Google Group. If you do not yet have a Google Group, you can request one by going to

If you will be using a Google Group to send your email, choose "Generic" as your mail sender. This will remove the links and tokens from the footer of the email that senders such as Bronto require. These links and tokens are most commonly used to include an unsubscribe link. This link is not necessary when using a Google Group because Google will automatically append this information to the end of the email.

Once you have created your email within the Email Generator, you can open it in your browser by clicking "Preview." It is recommended that you complete this and the following step in Google Chrome for best results and compatibility.

In the window/tab that opens, copy the entire email. Press Ctrl/Cmd + A to select the whole email. Then Ctrl/Cmd + C to copy the email. Within your Gmail account create a new email. You can then paste the copied content into the email's body by pressing Ctrl/Cmd + V.

The "To" field will be the email address of your Google Group, and you can provide a subject line of your own choice.