Feature Content

The feature content module can be used in many different ways. Most commonly it can be used in a manner "between" that of highlights and link lists. Since the feature content module allows almost any type of content to be used, it can be used to provide links to stories that exemplify the content discussed in a previous text module.

It could also be used to provide pathways to more specific information. For example, a feature content module could be used after a general introductory text module about academics within a college. A feature content module immediately afterwards could point to more information for undergraduate students, graduate students, and also directly to the application process. The options presented allow a less committed browser to be drawn more deeply into information about the college that directly applies to them. It also allows a user who has already made a decision to apply to quickly reach the application form.

As described in the example above, a feature content module primarily allows a user to dig deeper and become more committed in their user flow throughout your website. A highlight component presents quick snippets of high-level information without a user having to take an action. Meanwhile links within a link list push directly to an action and commitment. The feature content module spans these two pieces of the user journey -- they can present more detailed information for undecided users and/or they can also be used to present a more visually interesting and flashy call to action/commitment.

More generic uses of the feature content module can be to display news stories, create a grid of links (possibly for academic departments), or they can act as a sorting interface -- users are asked to identify with different scenarios to receive more specific information (possibly future student, current student, alumni).

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