Side by Sidewith the Dean
What’s it like to be a student at NC State? What’s it like to be a dean?
The Side by Side with the Dean contest gives one student and our dean, Jeff Braden, a unique opportunity to experience each other’s life on campus. Each spring, Braden and the contest winner spend a day together, attending classes, meetings and events on each other’s calendars.
This year, sophomore Taylor Hayden (international studies and Arabic) won the chance to serve side by side with the dean. Get a glimpse of their day.

Time for Class Hayden preps Braden for Philosophy 210 (Representation, Reason and Reality) in Withers Hall. The subject of today's lesson: Paradoxes.

Selfie! Braden finds time for a selfie before a leadership and program review meeting at Talley Student Union. Side by Side offers students an opportunity to meet leaders from across NC State's campus, including College of Education Dean Mary Ann Danowitz (also pictured).

Extracurriculars Braden meets with members of the Arabic Club — and leaves with a souvenir. Hayden serves as president of the student organization.

Coffee Break Side by Side is a full-day affair, with nearly a dozen events scheduled across campus. Hayden and Braden take a coffee break with Deanna Dannels, associate dean of academic affairs.

Admin Meeting Side by Side gives students a unique glimpse at the inner-workings of the college. Here, Hayden meets with the Dean's Extended Administrative Team in Caldwell Hall.
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